We all know that one person in our family or a neighbour who is a devout kaapi enthusiast and takes his/ her kaapi exactly the same way at exactly the same time every day.
If you, on the other hand, believe that variety is the spice of life, you might be up for a creative challenge.
The idea is to make the most of your kaapi blend, brewing it in different ways and switching up the ingredients you add to it. All this in an effort to bring out different flavour notes and aromas from the same kaapi blend.
For this blog post, we’re going to use two of our specialty kaapi blends - Heritage and Royale - and recommend how you can enjoy a slight variation to your kaapi, depending on what you’re in the mood for.
Matcha Cold Brew
A blend like Heritage that boasts tasting notes of molasses, chocolate and orange, when brewed in a cold brew jar, gives it a smoother frame, lowering the acidity and making the chocolate note more pronounced.
On such a foundation, matcha’s earthy-grassy taste will complement the nuttiness and introduce an herbal tone to the whole drink.

The cold brew processing lends a heavier body that holds all these flavours together, allowing you to savour it without the thick mouthfeel of the cold brew influencing your taste perception.
Delectable Drip Coffee
It is arabica coffee that tends to have a sweeter-fruiter flavour profile. Whereas, robusta brings a more intense and bitter flavour to the cup.
So how can you alter the robust flavour of the Royale kaapi? We know that it has been roasted to bring out spice and chocolate notes.
If you try brewing the Royale blend with a drip filter machine, you’ll get a lighter-bodied coffee that is perfect for indulging with a dollop of whipped cream.
You might find the sweetness of the cream to be a great addition to a coffee that would otherwise just be a strong jolt of caffeine, made even more impressionable by the rich, spice and chocolate notes.
Spiced Espresso Macchiato
Fans of masala chai, gear up for this recipe. Have you considered adding spices to your coffee? The Turks and Middle Easterns have been adding spices like cinnamon and cardamom to their coffee for centuries now.
To make a spiced espresso macchiato, pick a coffee blend that has a sweet or floral base. In our case, Heritage will work well for this recipe.

Brewing it in an espresso maker will create a drink that is heavy-bodied and has a sharpness to it. Add a dash of cinnamon or powdered cardamom. On the whole, you should expect a flavourful experience with noticeable intricacies to it.
When you add a little milk to it to create the macchiato, you’ll be allowing the entire flavour profile to seamlessly blend together.
Pour Over Rose
Pour overs are known to have a more pronounced caffeine quotient. They are the ultimate morning drink to wake you up, ready for the long day ahead.
With Royale already having a significant portion of caffeine, you’ll get a clean, light body due to the brewing method.
To this, adding a rose tea will introduce a floral note where only spice and chocolate notes existed before.
If you don’t like floral teas, you can opt for a fruity preserve blended into warm water to create a base for the robusta coffee.
These ideas take into consideration the right grind size for the brewing method you have picked. Check out our brew guide to know more.
Also, we would love to know how your creative challenge with MD kaapi turned out to be. Brew method, ingredient ratio, ingredient type - you control it all. Comment below or share a snap on Instagram and tag us with your observations.
We’ll be doing a part two (maybe even three) of this blog to explore how some of the other kaapi blends can be enjoyed in different ways.
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